OKI SOI User's Meeting at Hawaii during IEEE NSS

Last modified Oct. 19, 2007

DateFNov. 1, 2007(Thr.)16:30 - (Hawaii Time) , ( Nov. 2 (Fri.) 11:30- (Japan Time) )

PlaceFWatanabe Hall, Univ. of Hawaii

Meeting video is connected through KEK MCU(H.323): connect to KEK Gatekeeper and use No. = 37001

Workshop Agenda and Slides (UID='kek' and ask password to yasuo.arai @ kek.jp)

Participants List

-- There will be our SOI Presentations at NSS --
Wednesday morning --- N20-2, N20-3, N20-5
Thursday afternoon (poster) --- N44-6

-- Dead Line of Next MPW run (0.2um SOI) is postoponed to Jan 4, 2008 --
If you have an interest in the submission,
please contact to Y. Arai as soon as possible.

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