What's new
- 2016/05/28; Revixed Member list
- 2014/06/17; results from cooling test at DTP review
- 2013/12/11; Added talks (DTP Review Committee 2013)

Modern high energy physics experiments often require large scale detectors with millions of densely packed readout channels. For their high speed data acquisition, signal digitization at their front ends is now becoming common practice. The power consumption and consequently the heat load at the font ends are, thus, our serious concern from the view point of material budget for the detectors. Under such a circumstance 2-phase CO2 cooling is attracting attention as the technology of choice to realize an efficient and low mass cooling system.
2-phase cooling is the cooling with fluids in mixed states and makes use of the large latent heat for liquids vaporizing into gases or for solids melting into liquids, thereby achieving highly efficient extraction of heat with a low flow rate of the coolant fluids. It should also be emphasized that the the temperature of the coolant is determined only by the pressure and hence nearly constant along the cooling circuit, since the absorbed heat is used only for the phase transition.
As a coolant CO2 is considered ideal because of its large latent heat and the operation pressure that can be set very high to minimize the vapor volume, assuring high cooling power even with thin cooling pipes, while keeping pressure drop negligible to realize nearly uniform temperature along the cooling line.
The goal of this group is to develop a 2-phase CO2 cooling system, aiming at applications to the next generation large scale experiments, and to accumulate know-how for this new and promising technology.
2-phase cooling is the cooling with fluids in mixed states and makes use of the large latent heat for liquids vaporizing into gases or for solids melting into liquids, thereby achieving highly efficient extraction of heat with a low flow rate of the coolant fluids. It should also be emphasized that the the temperature of the coolant is determined only by the pressure and hence nearly constant along the cooling circuit, since the absorbed heat is used only for the phase transition.
As a coolant CO2 is considered ideal because of its large latent heat and the operation pressure that can be set very high to minimize the vapor volume, assuring high cooling power even with thin cooling pipes, while keeping pressure drop negligible to realize nearly uniform temperature along the cooling line.
The goal of this group is to develop a 2-phase CO2 cooling system, aiming at applications to the next generation large scale experiments, and to accumulate know-how for this new and promising technology.

Group Members
If you are interested in 2-phase CO2 cooling system, contact any one of the following group members:
<Project Leader>
Yasuhiro Sugimoto KEK yasuhiro.sugimoto at kek.jp
Keisuke Fujii KEK keisuke.fujii at kek.jp
Katsuyu Kasami KEK katsuyu.kasami at kek.jp
Toru Tsuboyama KEK toru.tsuboyama at kek.jp
Takeshi Matsuda KEK takeshi.matsuda at kek.jp
Takahiro Fusayasu Saga Univ. fusayasu at cc.saga-u.ac.jp
Akira Sugiyama Saga Univ. sugiyama at hep.phys.saga-u.ac.jp
Yasuhiro Makida KEK yasuhiro.makida at kek.jp
Hirotaka Nakai KEK hirotaka.nakai at kek.jp
Group's Calendar
- Group Meeting, Every 1st and 3rd Monday, Room 425, Bldg 3, KEK
- Talks((Password is required to access this page from outsied of KEK.))
DTP International Review Committee 2013 http://kds.kek.jp/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=14395
Co2 Cooling System :Talks http://kds.kek.jp/categoryDisplay.py?categId=557
- 2016/4/27 Review talk (KDS)
- 2015/5/28 Review talk (KDS)
- 2015/02/09 Review talk (KDS)
- 2014/06/14 Review talk (KDS)
- 2013/12/11 Review talk (KDS)
- 2012/11/19 Review talk (KDS)
- 2012/02/20: VTX cooling test (KDS)
- 2012/01/16: VTX cooling test / CO2 plant calculateion (update) (KDS)
- 2011/12/19: Compressor system / 2-phase CO2 cooling system and Japanese high-pressure gas regulations
- 2011/11/07: VTX cooling test (KDS)
- 2011/09/05: CERN viist report (KDS)
- 2011/07/25: Data(KDS)
- 2011/07/11: Belle2 General meeting Report (KDS)
- 2011/06/14: Meeting with EU colleagues (KDS)
KEK CO2 activity and questions about the CO2 system in CERN
Pressures in CO2 cooling Systems
The IBbeLle CO2 cooling plant
- 2011/06/06: COMPRESSOR(Slides presented by T. Tsuboyama)(KDS)
- 2011/05/17: Talk presented at a Detector Technology Project Office Review (Slides presented by K.Fujii)
- 2011/05/16: High Temperature Test (Slides presented by T.Tsuboyama)
- 2011/04/27: High Power Test (Slides presented by T.Tsuboyama)
- 2011/04/25: Test Operation of the Open CO2 System (Slides presented by T.Tsuboyama)
- Photo Gallery
- 2011/04/22: 1st Cooling Test
- 2011/04/22: 2nd Cooling Test (High Power Test)
- 2011/04/22: 3nd Cooling Test (Room Temperature Cooling Test)
- Useful Information.